anl_p, anl_p25 |
Name |
Field type [unit] |
Number of levels |
HGTprs |
Geopotential height [gpm] |
23 |
TMPprs |
Air temperature [K] |
23 |
SPFHprs |
Specific humidity [kg/kg] |
12 |
DEPRprs |
Dew point depression [K] |
8 |
UGRDprs |
Zonal wind [m/s] |
23 |
VGRDprs |
Meridional wind [m/s] |
23 |
CWATprs |
Cloud water content (cloud liquid water plus cloud ice) [kg/kg] |
12 |
PRMSLmsl |
Pressure reduced to mean sea level [Pa] |
1 |
TMPsfc |
Surface (2m) air temperature [K] |
1 |
SPFHsfc |
Surface (2m) specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
DEPRsfc |
Surface (2m) dew point depression [K] |
1 |
UGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |
anl_chipsi, anl_chipsi25 |
RELDprs |
Relative divergence [/s] |
23 |
RELVprs |
Relative vorticity [/s] |
23 |
STRMprs |
Stream function [m2/s] |
23 |
VPOTprs |
Velocity potential [m2/s] |
23 |
VVELprs |
Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] |
23 |
PRESsfc |
Surface pressure [Pa] |
1 |
RELDsfc |
Surface relative divergence [/s] |
1 |
RELVsfc |
Surface relative vorticity [/s] |
1 |
STRMsfc |
Surface stream function [m2/s] |
1 |
VPOTsfc |
Surface velocity potential [m2/s] |
1 |
anl_mdl |
HGThbl |
Geopotential height [gpm] |
40 |
TMPhbl |
Air temperature [K] |
40 |
SPFHhbl |
Specific humidity [kg/kg] |
28 |
UGRDhbl |
Zonal wind [m/s] |
40 |
VGRDhbl |
Meridional wind [m/s] |
40 |
VVELhbl |
Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] |
40 |
CWAThbl |
Cloud water content (cloud liquid water plus cloud ice) [kg/kg] |
40 |
DISTsfc |
Model surface height [m] |
1 |
PRESsfc |
Surface pressure [Pa] |
1 |
TMPsfc |
Surface (2m) air temperature [K] |
1 |
SPFHsfc |
Surface (2m) specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
RHsfc |
Surface (2m) relative humidity [fraction] |
1 |
UGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |
PWATcol |
Precipitable water [kg/m2] |
1 |
UWVcol |
Column total of zonal water vapor flux [kg/m/s] |
1 |
VWVcol |
Column total of meridional water vapor flux [kg/m/s] |
1 |
anl_z, anl_z25 |
HGTprs |
Geopotential height [gpm] |
23 |
TMPprs |
Air temperature [K] |
23 |
SPFHprs |
Specific humidity [kg/kg] |
12 |
CWATprs |
Cloud water content (cloud liquid water plus cloud ice) [kg/kg] |
12 |
UGRDprs |
Zonal wind [m/s] |
23 |
VGRDprs |
Meridional wind [m/s] |
23 |
VVELprs |
Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] |
23 |
PRESsfc |
Surface pressure [Pa] |
1 |
PRMSLmsl |
Pressure reduced to mean sea level [Pa] |
1 |
TMPsfc |
Surface (2m) air temperature [K] |
1 |
SPFHsfc |
Surface (2m) specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
UGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |
anl_isentrop, anl_isentrop25 |
BVF2tht |
Sqaure of Brunt-Vaisala frequency [1/s2] |
20 |
HGTtht |
Geopotential height [gpm] |
20 |
MNTSFtht |
Montgomery stream function [m2/s2] |
20 |
POTsfc |
Surface potential temperature [K] |
1 |
SPFHtht |
Specific humidity [kg/kg] |
14 |
TMPtht |
Temperature [K] |
20 |
UGRDtht |
Zonal wind [m/s] |
20 |
VGRDtht |
Merional wind [m/s] |
20 |
VVELtht |
Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] |
20 |
PVORtht |
Potential vorticity [1/s] |
20 |
anl_land, anl_land25 |
TSGsfc |
Ground temperature [K] |
1 |
SOILWhbl |
Soil wetness at level 1(deep), 2(root) and 3(shallow) [fraction] |
3 |
TSCsfc |
Canopy temperature [K] |
1 |
SOILTcol |
Soil temperature [K] |
1 |
SNWEsfc |
Water equivalent snow depth [m] |
1 |
anl_snow106_mdl, anl_snow25 |
Surface snow depth [m] |
1 |
fcst_phy2m, fcst_phy2m25 |
CPRATsfc |
6-hourly convective precipitation rate [mm/day] |
1 |
CSDLFsfc |
Clear sky downward long wave flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
CSDSFsfc |
Clear sky downward solar flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
CSULFtoa |
Clear sky upward long wave flux at top [W/m2] |
1 |
CSUSFsfc |
Clear sky upward solar flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
CSUSFtoa |
Clear sky upward solar flux at top [W/m2] |
1 |
CWATcol |
Total cloud column water (cloud liquid water plus cloud ice) [kg/m2] |
1 |
DISTsfc |
Model Surface height [m] |
1 |
DLWRFsfc |
Downward long wave radiation flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
DSWRFsfc |
Downward solar radiation flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
DSWRFtoa |
Downward solar radiation flux at top [W/m2] |
1 |
FGLUsfc |
Zonal momentum flux by long gravity wave [N/m2] |
1 |
FGLVsfc |
Meridional momentum flux by long gravity wave [N/m2] |
1 |
FGSUsfc |
Zonal momentum flux by short gravity wave [N/m2] |
1 |
FGSVsfc |
Meridional momentum flux by short gravity wave [N/m2] |
1 |
FRQCsfc |
Frequency of cumulus precipitation [%] |
1 |
FRQPsfc |
Frequency of precipitation [%] |
1 |
High level cloud cover [%] |
1 |
ICECsfc |
Ice concentration (ice=1; no ice=0) [1/0] |
1 |
Low level cloud cover [%] |
1 |
LHTFLsfc |
Latent heat flux [W/m2] |
1 |
Mid level cloud cover [%] |
1 |
LPRATsfc |
6-hourly large scale precipitation rate [mm/day] |
1 |
PRESsfc |
Surface pressure [Pa] |
1 |
PRMSLmsl |
Mean Surface pressure reduced to mean sea level[Pa] |
1 |
PRMXsfc |
Maximum hourly precipitation during 6 hours [mm/hour] |
1 |
PWATcol |
Precipitable water [kg/m2] |
1 |
SPFHMsfc |
Mean surface specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
RHsfc |
Surface relative humidity [%] |
1 |
SFCRsfc |
Surface roughness [m] |
1 |
SHTFLsfc |
Sensible heat flux [W/m2] |
1 |
SPFHsfc |
Surface (2m) specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
SPFHhbl |
Specific humidity at the lowest model level [kg/kg] |
1 |
SRWEQsfc |
6-hourly snowfall rate water equivalent [kg/m2/day] |
1 |
TCDCcol |
Total cloud cover [%] |
1 |
TMAXsfc |
Surface (2m) air maximum temperature during 6 hours [K] |
1 |
TMINsfc |
Surface (2m) air minimum temperature during 6 hours [K] |
1 |
TMPsfc |
Surface (2m) air temperature |
1 |
TMPhbl |
Temperature at the lowest model level [K] |
1 |
TMPMsfc |
Mean surface (2m) air temperature [K] |
1 |
TTHMcol |
Column total of diabatic heating [W/m2] |
1 |
UFLXsfc |
Zonal momentum flux by friction [N/m2] |
1 |
UGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
UGRDhbl |
Zonal wind at lowest model level [m/s] |
1 |
ULWRFsfc |
Upward long wave radiation flux at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
ULWRFtoa |
Upward long wave radiation flux at top [W/m2] |
1 |
UGRDMsfc |
Mean surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
USWRFsfc |
Upward solar radiation at surface [W/m2] |
1 |
USWRFtoa |
Upward solar radiation at top [W/m2] |
1 |
UWVcol |
Column total of zonal water vapor flux [kg/m/s] |
1 |
VFLXsfc |
Meridional momentum flux by friction [N/m2] |
1 |
VGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDhbl |
Meridional wind at lowest model level [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDMsfc |
Mean surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |
VTUcol |
Column total of covariance between temperature and zonal wind [K*Pa*m/s] |
1 |
VTVcol |
Column total of covariance between temperature and meridional wind [K*Pa*m/s] |
1 |
VWVcol |
Column total of meridional water vapor flux [kg/m/s] |
1 |
WSMXsfc |
Maximum surface wind during 6 hours [m/s] |
1 |
WSMXhbl |
Maximum surface wind at the lowest model level during 6 hours [m/s] |
1 |
WTMPsfc |
Sea surface temperature [K] |
1 |
fcst_phyland |
TSCsfc |
Canopy temperature [K] |
1 |
TSGsfc |
Ground temperature [K] |
1 |
SoilTcol |
Soil temperature [K] |
1 |
GFLXsfc |
Ground heat flux [W/m2] |
1 |
MSGsfc |
Moisture storage on ground/cover [mm] |
1 |
MSCsfc |
Moisture storage on canopy [mm] |
1 |
SoilWhbl |
Soil water content [mm] |
1 |
LTRSsfc |
Evapotranspiration [W/m2] |
1 |
LINTsfc |
Interception loss [W/m2] |
1 |
ROFsfc |
Surface runoff [mm/day] |
1 |
ges_p, ges_p25 |
HGTprs |
Geopotential height [gpm] |
23 |
TMPprs |
Air temperature [K] |
23 |
SPFHprs |
Specific humidity [kg/kg] |
12 |
UGRDprs |
Zonal wind [m/s] |
23 |
VGRDprs |
Meridional wind [m/s] |
23 |
VVELprs |
Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] |
23 |
CWATprs |
Cloud water content (cloud liquid water plus cloud ice) [kg/kg] |
12 |
PRMSLmsl |
Pressure reduced to mean sea level [Pa] |
1 |
TMPsfc |
Surface (2m) air temperature [K] |
1 |
DEPRprs |
Dew point depression [K] |
8 |
DEPRsfc |
Surface (2m) dew point depression [K] |
1 |
SPFHsfc |
Surface (2m) specific humidity [kg/kg] |
1 |
UGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) zonal wind [m/s] |
1 |
VGRDsfc |
Surface (10m) meridional wind [m/s] |
1 |